Part of speech: noun
Origin: French, late 19th century
A preparation of shredded or finely cut leaf vegetables, used as a garnish for soup.
Examples of Chiffonade in a sentence
"Sprinkle the soup with a chiffonade of basil before you serve it."
"The chef assigned the assistant to cut the chiffonade needed for the day."
About Chiffonade
A chiffonade is a quick way to add a splash of color and flavor to your food. Stolen from the French verb "chiffonner," meaning "to crumble," "chiffonade" is a noun for delicate strips of herbs. It can also be used as a verb to describe the process of slicing the greens.
Did you Know?
Even if you haven't heard the word, you'll likely recognize a chiffonade — it's the finely chopped preparation of herbs or greens sprinkled on top of your food. It looks fancy, but it's quite easy to do. Stack the leaves, roll them into a thin cigar shape, and then slice across the roll to form thin ribbons. Now you have a chiffonade of herbs to decorate and flavor your dish.