Part of speech: adjective
Origin: Old Norse, mid 16th century
Adorned in excessively bright colors
Obnoxiously colorful
Glaringly bright
Examples of Garish in a sentence
"When I look at old photos, I can't believe how garish my clothes used to be in the 90s."
"The garish art piece grabbed attention for all the wrong reasons."
About Garish
The 90s might go down as one of the most garish decades for style. Bright-neon blues, purples, and pinks were all the rage for men and women alike. No wonder grunge artists like Nirvana rebelled against this look with muted colors and grey tones. But will the multicolor, garish neon look come back into style someday?
Did you Know?
Garish actually comes from a Norse word meaning rough fellow. Thanks, Vikings!